Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy 51st Birthday!!!

31st August is my country's national day. We are 51 years old this year!!!! Wohooo....

Well I have a resolution!!! Or rather resolutions!!

Nombor 1: Stop racism! Like serious shit stop it.....

Nombor 2: Less corruption, like this is also serious, stop it

Nombor 3: GOOD public transport, we spent billions of dollars and public transport is still shitty, like seriously

Nombor 4: People mixing around with other ethnicity

Nombor 5: Stop faulting each other for bad hmmm what's pentadbiran in English? OMG I am thinking in French, Malay and English now, so confused..... Stop faulting the leadership of the Prime Minister, he is trying the best he can! You guys are just opportunists!!!!


Exams and Sickness

I just had my semester exams and the worst thing bout it was I was dead ill, like serious. I had asthma, flu and fever all at the same time. I was so sick, I could not sleep and I could not concentrate. I was so ill that when my care person called, he thought that I was dying, well I felt like it.

I just hope that I pass all of my papers, and the funny thing is, the paper which was suppose to be easy for me turned out to be the hardest cos it needs lots of concentration and calculation. I missed out so many points! I was so careless, I hope I pass.

Anyways I am better now, still a little cough but yeah.

Trips For My Holidays!

Ok so I have sorted out, booking tickets for all of my holidays, this holiday and also the coming holiday~!!!

This holiday (Sept/Oct 08) Penang- Have to do my driver's license and spend time with family so they are 1st

Next holiday (March/April 09) Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos- Always wanted to see South-East Asia and I guess myself I do it now. I would love to have travel mates. It would be great

All the other short holidays I am not gonna go anywhere maybe just a short trip to somewhere.....

I am so looking forward to all of my trips!!! See u guys, besos

Monday, August 25, 2008

Photos To Lighten Up


Inside a glass thing, top of the Parliament of Germany, I'm in the picture, somewhere

Too dead to upload more, it takes too long

Worry Blurry

All the things that are happening lately are gonna kill me, sooner or later if it does not stop. I am already down with flu or fever since friday and today it got worst, I am insomniac now. I went to sleep at like 11pm and I woke up at 12.20pm. I can't get enough sleep during the day cos children are playing and screaming and when I manage to get enough sleep it's already at night.

I feel so uncomfortable and cold and warm, cold and warm, cold and warm. I am having my exams tomorrow and I really need to do this papers like properly cos I need it, it's a redemption from last year's not so good results. although I manage to pass everything but I am not sure if I have enough points to do my degree.

I think I might be having asthma or something, my chest feels tight, should I take my tablets now? I am not gasping for air.

I have been eating healthily well at least not the pass few days but in general I do. Is it because of the alcohol? It could not be......

I think I need like some getaway or something like a relaxing one. Should I? I am sorta saving for my Asian and Europe trip thingy.... but I guess I could always take up a part time job when I am healthy.

I try to stay in bed and stuff but it is like I keep on moving and I wanna get out of bed if I am not sleep cos I feel very uncomfortable when I am ill. I simply can;t stay still.

You know, Mr Nash aka my ex wrote to me and all those stuff, it is adding to my stress, already I am trying to forget him but then came e-mails and a sms. Damn technology.....

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Drunk Post

Hey guys, I just came back from a party and I am drunk, well sorta cos I had vodka, rum and blah blah blah. I am pretty drunk but still normal. I had my 1st cigarette in ages! OMG it taste like heaven...... Well I am not a smoker but I do miss it to some point....

OK Imma go to bed now, sorry for being drunk I love the world. Peace to all

Me being drunk, sorta

Thursday, August 14, 2008


There is no other music that I could relate to than this genre of music, it makes me feel so somehow belonged and not to mention it makes me wanna shake it. I mean when I started listening to reggeaton I was like it was kinda crappy until I was staying in Germany then I found the meaning of reggeaton while you are having a fiesta, yeah I have a lot of Latin friends in Germany, we relate to each other, the Asians never liked me cos I was not pure AND I don't speak German with an Asian accent but some other accent.... Weird right?

Ok anyways, there is no one who can create music in this genre better than Daddy Yankee, I love his work so much, almost every of his song I fell in love with it and when they play it or any reggeaton songs in the clubs I would be the hardest shaker, LOL.

The other artist that I also like is Kat DeLuna, especially her Spanish version of Run The Show, it is so like WOW, I love it cos it's muy mucho caliente.

So here is a sample of what reggeaton sounds like, kinda old school but it's still fresh, I remember when it 1st came out, it was the hottest thing ever. If you wanna hear something newer, click here or here

The Latino pride in me.....

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Trauriges Maedchen

I have a new favourite song, it is trauriges maedchen , meaning sad girl in German.

If you need me to translate any part of it or the song, you can request it in the comment section and I will try my best to translate it ASAP. So have a listen to it 1st.

The song is from Sven Van Thom and it is new, the video just came out last week or something if I am not wrong.

Listen to it here

Schoenen abend noch!

You're So Lame

Last friday, me and my classmate sorta disturbed each other and we sorta got into a quarrel, I got irritated so I pulled his sweater and he was like, dude, it's Adidas you know, I'm like it JUST Adidas, don't be a pussy. I'm wearing Zara and FCUK, so WTF.....

And one day I wore G-Star RAW to sch and people was like saying wot brand is tht and why we have not seen it? I'm like DOH cos there is only 1 shop in Singapore that sells it?

They are so brand conscious yet they do not know much bout brands, go read some fashion magazines..... tsk tsk tsk, don't compete with me cos u will not win.

I am not brand conscious, I just happen to have those brands and I wear em.

I bought something from Adidas today so that's why it reminded me of this thing.....


Have u ever had a bright colour pillowcase and one day u see it, it has like pencil drawings all over it? It just happened to mine. I found the culprit: Eyeliner. Yes I do draw my eyes sometimes for the fun of it but I am not sissy k, imma kick your ass if u pick a fight with moi. Hehe

Anyways loadsa guys are using it these days so no biggie if I use it too, ight?

Rants and More Rants

I had gastric/food poisoning last week and I felt that I was dying. I do not know what I ate, I had like Swensen's, grilled chicken, pasta and McDo(again!) the day before, what could possibly go wrong? Maybe! maybe the lady missed out my salad in my grilled chicken! Nah I dun think so, anyways I am feeling better now and I just had some German food! Wohoo, it tasted a little bit different but yeah when ure so far away this is the best you can get.

I was in Kuala Lumpur, capital of my home-country, Malaysia during the weekends. It was cool, I had an event and I got a flu before leaving for Kuala Lumpur :( Guess who I met? Guess who I met? The girl which sat beside moi on the plane back from Germany!!! We were screaming and jumping around and hugging each other so tight, I could so feel her boobies.... and she is so tall and I am quite a short person so I was like stretching out my neck, yeah yeah it was so nice and we spent some time and stuff, I did not get to meet my Belgian friends which I promised I would go shake some ass with cos I was so tired and not to mention down with flu and there weren't taxi around the hotel! Talking bout being a 5 star hotel....... HUMPH! I got home early and I slept at like 3am.....

On the way back my throat was itching and my pants was bursting cos I saw this 3 really hot guys I wanted to talk to them but I was like sneezing and coughing and blowing my nose, I was like fuck it! *cheeky*

Argh my house mates are killing me! Those bitches! And the untamed children! Screaming and throwing things, since when this house turned into a whore-house huh? You guys are just sheltering here cos you are fucking around with other guys while your husband is waiting for u at home! Now go home with your children before I detonate one of them! I need sleeeeeep! Imagine the children screaming at 11am in the morning? OMG it is my sleeping time, people have night life y'know and my classes don't start until like 12 and I wanna have some beauty sleep. OMG they just came back, I am heard the song Tragedy playing in my head....... Can someone please clean the toilet?

I found my old phone and I feel happier using it cos it has a German in it and it is easier for me to type my smses.... The new phone has only English and South-East Asian languages in it so yeah not so my kinda thing unless I am writing in Malay or English. Why am I ranting?

Oh I was broke last month! OMG I had to survive on just 100 dollars for a week! or maybe 4 or 5 days but still!!! I felt so depressed and not to mention I STILL have not received my card, oh I am not taking back a visa card cos I felt it was bad so now I am taking a MasterCard. I think I will be getting it next week, now I am just using my backup Visa card which I leave it at home cos I only use that card for online purchases.... I am NOT a spoilt brat, I live my the allowance that my parents gimme ok and I know the word called saving and being economical.....

Have you tried mixing chocolate chip cookies, vanilla ice cream, strawberry sauce and M&Ms together? OMG they are so sweet you will be hyper the whole night, I mixed the whole thing and ate it all and I was sort of insane for the whole night and I did not sleep..

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tak Kenal Maka Tak Suka

You know I have given this thing into much thought. If you are a Malaysia or have stayed for a long time in Malaysia you would know what is a vernacular school.

My definition of vernacular school: A school that breeds racism.

Why did I say that? Hmmm well look at the situation Malaysia is in now. It's horrible!!!! It's because racism is such a strong thing in the country! Imagine, there are Malays, Chinese and Indians people yeah living in a place, say half of them are going to a normal school and half are going to vernacular school. The ones in normal school will integrate and learn about the other ethnicity's culture and find out how wonderful and colourful it is and would become good friends or at least have friends of different ethnicity. Now, people in vernacular school, hmmm where do I start? Ok say an Indian boy, he grew up in an Indian community and speaks Tamil, he goes to vernacular school and he continues to speak Tamil and stuff and only see Indian people in his school, he would not integrate into the society right?

So my examples were lame but you get my point now? It starts from young! Imagine sending a 3 year old kid to kindergarten with just people of his own ethnicity, he will NOT integrate! And end up going to a vernacular school and stuff, when he is out of school, he would die cos he will not be able to integrate!

The national language for Malaysia is Malay and our 2nd language of command is English but for vernacular schools it's different, for Indian vernacular schools, their language of command is Tamil, Malay is either Malay or Arabic and Chinese it's of course Mandarin...... So you see the point? Dump everyone in one bloody normal mainstream school and let them mix! Mix like those mixed vegetables! Gang bang if you guys have too (Whoops explicit material here)

So what I am trying to say is, when you are living in a multi-ethnicity country, you need to integrate! Even if you're not in the main races! You know what? Us mixed race people are the best cos we are mixed so we mix around with other races a lot more than those bloody pure blooded freaks which think that they are so great cos they are pure, well guys you suck!

So now all this vernacular school actually make the country racist and crazy. Why? Cos now it is happening! Imagine, the government is under this party called Barisan Nasional, it has 3 main sub-parties UMNO, MCA and MIC. Wots the use right? Why can;t you guys just make it to just 1 party? The sub-parties are all just for show! We are not making it happen! Mix everyone up and tell them take it or leave it, bitch! We are not gonna short change any ethnicity! And guess what is the catch? UMNO is actually the sub-party which is governing the Barisan Nasional, so are we really united? NOT! The answer is bloody NO!!!! Stop being such little cry babies and start abolishing sub-parties! Have a normal 1 party, let every and I mean EVERYONE to elect who become the president without knowing his ethnicity cos at the end of the day it is our damn freaking beloved country! We should be happy and not fighting over nothing! ARGH!

Seriously I hate all this racism in my country, if I have to bomb anything to make everyone to not be racist, I freaking well would! We should create a new party called the Loving Party or the We Dun Give A Damn Bout Your Ethnicity, We Want A Better Country Party or some crap.....

Government, stop giving empty promises, stop stealing our money and start integrating amongst yourselves before talking and saying all of us are not doing it, you guys are the big balls freaks so do it or be done! Stop putting old people in the ministry for so long, change every election or something. They are fat, dumb, irritating and not to mention racist.

We dun pay taxes to see u fat arses shaking those stuff in the office and do nothing and taking exotic holidays and shit. We want to see you guys work! Shape up! Good infrastructure! So far the best thing I have ever seen is the extremely under-utilized international airport of ours, Kuala Lumpur International Airport and maybe the Petronas Twin Tower which the whole world recognises or at least heard of.

So yeah I can't stand people talking bout saying like Ewwww this Malay guy or Eww this Chinese guy or Eww this Indian guy, shit man how about Ewww you're one freaking racist bitch, if you wanna do that go back home to China, India or wherever your ancestors come from..... We don't need retarded racist people, we need people who can integrate and speak the language, wear other cultures stuff. You know saree looks good on Chinese and Malays as well? The Baju Kebaya is one hot fashion statement? Cheongsam? OMG look at that Malay girl wearing that so sexy and the Indian girl in Cheongsam? Slender, ugh sexy legs wow. Baju Kebaya? Shows your sexiest curves you have and Saree, haha do I have to mention? You look like a sex bomb! Baju Kurung? Be proud of it! Batik? Full of culture as it colours your life! And I will admit, my mom has almost all of them, and I feel proud when she wears them for formal dinners and stuff with my dad cos they look so mucho caliente together.

So yeah please try something new that is not from your ethnicity today! Or better, make a new friend from another ethnicity today!

So yeah I would like to give myself a good hug cos this is my 100th post :)

The title means if you don't know that's why you don't like it in Malay.

mucho caliente means very hot in Spanish.

From now on if I use any foreign languages, I'll state the meaning in the end of the post. Happy?

Spread interracial now and be globalised person. (Hmmm is there such word as globalised?)


Please remember to leave a comment! I love reading comments! Besos

Friday, August 1, 2008

Calling y Night Safari y Mucho Caliente

Have you ever tried calling a call center or something and people can't figure out your gender? It happens to me almost every time, even after stating my name! They were like oh my gawd I am so sorry blah blah, I'm like yea yea I heard it all before, bitch so let me continue.....

I still STILL can't get over that I lost my card, well I am gonna apply a brand new card and I found one which I like, it is gonna be purple in colour MasterCard this time, no more Visa cos I think they are cursed or something....... The best Visa which I had and still have is still my small little Visa card in blue and black, it looks so chic and like a toy but yet it's still a real card, cool right? It's for my online shopping tho.... I know I am a spoiled boy sometimes but at least I am independent..... I care bout people and I know how to indulge.

Oh did I tell you guys that I was in the Night Safari again? It was cool! I saw some animals which I wanted:- An otter, they are SO adorable! Porcupine, they look very cuddly, heh.... and this civet cat thingy, he is so smart! Hmmm well I dunno but I know it's like a pocahontas animal, her best friend... a raccoon? All I know is that they were adorable.... If you ever come to Singapore, visit the Night Safari cos I say so..... UHHHH The fire dancers or breathers, whatever they are, OMG they get me turned on and got me so excited with they OMG hotness, I would not mind a night of passion with ALL of them.... I dun do that, do you think I am a whore? OMG

I know I am a little drama thingy here, well I just needed to complain and rant so yeah....

I had a test today..... Operations Management