Friday, August 14, 2009

Fleisch? Isst doch mal!

People ask me when don't I eat pork although I am not a Muslim. It's easy, I have a lot of Muslim friends when I grow up so generally, I do not eat pork. Even when I grew up I generally do not choose it as my choice of meat. Unless I do not know that it was or in rare occasions I eat it knowingly.

But when I travel, I do not care what meat am I eat, as long as it looks normal and smells normal, I'll eat it cos as I aspire to be a globe trekker, I should not be so choosy. Probably that's why I have eaten meat that I do not know that could be eaten. So far, I've eaten horse meat, horse sausages and dog sausages. I ate those horse meat stuff knowingly and I do not have other choice cos I was sort of forced fed to eat it. It was back in Germany and I really HAD to eat it cos it's specially cooked for me. It tastes like beef but the texture is wayyyyyyyy tougher.

This year I ate dog sausage, this was the weirdest feeling ever. I did not know that it was dog sausage at all or thought that dog sausages even exist. I was in Vietnam, and was hungry so I decided to be adventurous and have some street food cos the past 5 days there I have been dining in restaurants which is not good cos I was on a backpacking trip and I already broke so many backpacking rules by staying in a hotel, dining in restaurants the whole time, etc (I had food poisoning on the day that I was suppose to fly to Vietnam from Laos). As I was walking I saw sausages being grill, I was like great! Something which is a safe bet. Bought it and 1st bite was, "Hey, I think this sausage taste weird, probably it's a Vietnamese style preparation or something" I passed it to my friend for him to try and he took a bite. He said "Somehow, I am weirdly sure that this is dog sausage" I was almost going crazy.

Dog meat? Can you believe it? Those little doggies and not to mention I love dogs. Every time when I think back I feel disgusted.

Although I hate to admit it, somehow I feel that when they say that every which moves, you can eat it (I am actually closing my eyes, feeling disgusted right now).

I'll stick to chicken, beef and fish for now as my choice of meat :)


BID said...

life throw unexpected curve-balls :P

enjoy these moments, at least you have something to look back on in the future and laugh...

MischMensch said...

Oh come on T! I bet you have those funny/weird moments to look back and laugh as well. Where are you now?