Monday, April 21, 2008

Why Call Names?

I don't understand, when I reveal that I am not pure blooded and that I am this this and this, people say I am Kristang, Serani, etc which means people who are Asian but have Portuguese blood in it, I am not Christian by the way.

It's not like I go around telling people I am mixed, people just notice, somehow.

This girl from my French class, asked so loudly, hey E*****, you're not a Chinese right. I just smiled and say a little and you do not wanna know what happened.

I can't help but remember. Cos Singapore has a significant amount of mixed race people, so they generally know when they see one, unlike Malaysia.

You know what's so hard bout being mixed? Sometimes you are not accepted by the community, even these modern days.

Yes yes I look very Asian, I am proud of it. But people would know I am neither or, no matter how hard I keep it.

Sometimes it is like a curse you know. People would ask why do you have such a weird name, even a teacher asked, why do you spell your name wrongly? Hello! it's a Portuguese name, bitch! And it's my name, take it! My family went through a lot of changing process, we changed our names actually. So the arrangement of my name in my birth certificate is wrong. My brother's name is always pronounce wrongly and my name as well. People will always call me Edison, which is WRONG!!!! Wrong, bitch, wrong! ARGH

So much hassle for nothing......

107 days

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