Sunday, June 29, 2008


This is weird but I just met a guy yesterday night and he reminds me so much of my ex and a guy who I use to have a huge huge crush on.

He looks like Carl, a guy who I had a huge crush on but he shifted to Hong Kong but in certain ways as in some characteristics are similar to my ex.

I do not know, I have been thinking of him the whole day. How could I be in love in just 1 evening? I must be insane.

James treated me so gently and pampered me. I am not sure if he feels the same. I have butterflies in my stomach every time I think bout him. Although he did not shower me with gifts but it was some other things that are way more important to me. It felt sort of like he embraced me, I don't know....

I am afraid that he would not fall in love with me but just will offer me a friendship.

My mind is filled with him. He is such an amazing person, I am crazy

Jack, Carl's best friend told me that Carl was waiting for me to ask Carl the question while Carl was making the decision to go to Hong Kong. I did not asked and I kissed Carl for the last time 2 weeks before he left for Hong Kong.....

1 comment:

Jake said...

Awww. This reminds me of my high school days of puppy loves and petty crushes. Hope you have a great time my dear friend. And how was your week?